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Our journey began at Lovell's Wharf...


In the Summer of 2013, a group of residents came together alarmed by the prospect of a new application by London &Regional Properties to change the plans for Lovell's Wharf. They wanted to raise the height of the blocks, up to 13 storeys in some cases. They also wanted a substantial increase in the number of proposed apartments and to remove promised community facilities from the scheme. Not only did these plans threaten a massive overdevelopment of a Victorian conservation area and Greenwich’s unique riverfront views, but they represented a further strain on local services and contravened the Borough’s own planning policies and guidelines.


We mounted a campaign to get these plans rejected gaining widespread support from local residents, representatives and societies in East Greenwich and beyond. 
















On 21st October 2013, residents from Ballast Quay, Christchurch Way, Caradoc Street, Bradyll Street, Azof Street, Pelton Road, Bellot Street and Mauritus Road assembled to make the case to members of the Greenwich Planning Board and secured an unprecedented success in getting the new development plans unanimously rejected


With a potentially lengthy and costly appeal process for the borough pending, we agreed to meet with the developer in January 2014. Following a series of meetings, we negotiated a new compromise agreement which saw apartment blocks scaled back to original heights, some reduction in apartment numbers and an increase in open space and community facilities including three childrens’ play areas, a sports club and community centre. The inclusion of small office space was also brought back into the scheme.


Our efforts as a group continue to focus on working with the numerous developers in the West Peninsular area to ensure the community’s views and concerns are represented. We also continue to call upon the council to adhere to its own planning policy in overseeing sustainable development within our borough and to exercise its duty in managing developers. 



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